Wednesday, May 29, 2013


"But the wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all pure: then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." (James, 3:17)
Every published page has a soul and the believer is required to investigate its nature. The sincere examination will immediately indicate to which sphere it pertains, whether in the destructive activity of the world, or in the center of construction toward the spiritual life.

Initially, the reader, a friend of the truth and righteousness, shall analyze the lines in order to judge the purity of its context, understanding that if its expressions were born of a superior fountain, he or she will encounter the unequivocal signs of peace, of moderation, of fraternal benevolence, of loving comprehension, and finally of the good fruits.

On the other hand, if the pages reflects a poisonous human partiality, such a message cannot proceed from the noblest spheres of life. Even though, it originates from a supposedly discarnate of an elevated category, if the page does not bring forth harmony and fraternal construction, it is merely a reflection born of inferior conditions.

Scrutinize, therefore, the pages of your contact with the thoughts of others, on a daily basis, and be friendly with those that desire your elevation. You do not need to choose the ones that appear more brilliant, but rather, those that effect an improvement within you.

Excerpted from Chapter 14 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)


Seek the opportunities of good deeds while you still have time. It is dangerous to keep a head full of dreams with unoccupied hands. 

Kindle your lamp while there is light about your steps. No traveler can avoid the surprises of night fall. 

Help those about you while you have the opportunity of doing so, because the moment will come when you will not be able to carry on without help from others. 

Use your physical body to gather blessings from the Higher Life while it still works together harmoniously. The vase that held sublime essences will continue to perfume the air after being abandoned. 

Give your lessons wisely in the school of life while the book of trials still rests in your hands. Learning is a blessing, and there are thousands of brothers and sisters nearby awaiting a scholarship in reincarnation. 

Settle your accounts with your neighbour while the time is favourable. Tomorrow the entire scene could be changed. 

No one should be a prophet of death, not try to imitate the ill-omened owl. Yet while you await the opportunity to store up higher spiritual values, continue to increase your own worth and develop treasures for your soul, in the certainty that your journey to another type of existence is inevitable.

Excerpted from Chapter 14 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


"Repent then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." (Acts, 3:19)
The restless believers almost always consider that the task of redemption is processed in some conventional providence and that with little outward activity on their part, they would readily acquire the most elevated positions, close to the Divine Messengers.

The majority of the Roman Catholics fully believe in the exemption of trials through the performance of outward ceremonies; many Protestants believe that through mere enunciation of hymns, they are in tune with Heaven; and a great number of spiritists think they are intimately in tune with the superior revelations, simply because they have attended a few spiritual sessions.

All the aforesaid constitute a valuable preparation; but that is not all.

There is an inner illuminating effort without which no man may penetrate the sanctuary of the Divine Truth.

The words of Peter to the popular masses contain the synthesis of the vast program in the essential transformation that each person will have to undergo in order to achieve the happiness of the union with Christ. There are indispensable stages for this realization, without which, no one will achieve once and for all, the eternal clarity of the culmination.

Prior to all this, it is necessary for the sinner to repent, to acknowledge the extent and the volume of his own failings, and to finally convert, in order to reach the relieving peaceful instant of the presence of the Lord within him. Once he arrives there, he will be rehabilitated in the construction of the Divine Kingdom within himself.

If you truly already understand the mission of the Gospel, you will identify the stage in which you find yourself, and you will be apprized of the service that you must complete in order to move on to the following one.

Excerpted from Chapter 13 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)


A tempest frightens. However, it will strengthen our ability to endure if we know how to receive it. 

Pain lacerates. But it will perfect our hearts, if we seek to profit from its passage.  

Misunderstanding hurts. Nevertheless, it offers us an excellent opportunity to cultivate serenity. 

Struggle disturbs. However, it will be the bearer of invaluable benefits if we accept its contribution. 

Desperation destroys. In the face of it, however, we find the opportunity to cultivate serenity. 

Hate obscures. Still, it can unveil a blessed horizon for the revelation of love. 

Misfortune overwhelms. Yet, it prepares us to better console others. 

Shock terrifies. However, within it we can find the blessings of renewal. 

Trials torment us. Nevertheless, without them, learning becomes impossible.  

An obstacle displeases. But it is the true producer of elevation and capability.

Excerpted from Chapter 13 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Monday, May 27, 2013


"Because I know that I will soon put it aside as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me." - Peter (II Peter, 1:14)
If on many occasions great Christian voices have referred to supposed crimes of the flesh, it is necessary then to mention the weakness of the "self", and the inferiority of our spirit. So, we must not falsely accuse the body, as if it were playing the part of insatiable executioner separated from the soul, who would then be seen as its prisoner and victim.

We noticed that Peter considered the physical body to be his tabernacle.

The human body is a conjuction of agglutinated cells or earthly fluids that are united under the planetary laws, offering the spirit the saintly opportunity to learn, to value, to reform, and to aggrandize life.

Man, frequently, as an idle and perverse laborer, attributes the evil qualities that are assaulting him to this useful instrument. The body is a concession of the Divine Mercy, so that the soul may receive preparation for the advent of a glorious future. 

Rather than casting accusations at the body, let us reflect upon the millenniums spent in the formation of this sacred tabernacle in the field of evolution.

Have you come to realize that you are an immortal Spirit taking advantage during a specific time here on Earth, of valuable  potentials conceded to you by God, in order to fulfill your work requirements?

Such forces have formed your body.

What are you doing with your feet, your hands, your eyes, and your brain? Do you know that these powers were confided to you in order that you honor the Lord through your own enlightenment? Meditate over these questions and then sanctify your body, thus finding within it a divine temple.

Excerpted from Chapter 12 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)


When faced by the night, do not reproach its darkness. Learn to disperse it with light. 

To condemn the swamp is useless. Help it to become purified. 

Along a stony road, do not throw rocks at others. Employ the stones in useful works. 

Do not condemn the clamour of others. Teach them a profitable lesson by your silence. 

When faced by difficult situations,do not be swayed by uncertainty. Confront them with a clear conscience. 

It is useless to blame the thorn bush. Remove it with kindness. 

Do not criticise the barren ground. Fertilize it instead. 

Do not reproach the desert. Help to dig a well under the burning sand.  

There is no advantage in disapproving when everyone else disapproves. Instead uphold your brother or sister with a kind word. 

It is always easy to observe and identify evil. However, what Christ expects from us is the discovery and cultivation of goodness so that Divine Love may be glorified.

Excerpted from Chapter 12 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Sunday, May 26, 2013


"And as for you brothers, never tire of doing what is right." - Paul (II Thessalonians 3:13)
It is common to encounter people who claim to be tired of doing good. Notwithstanding, let us be convinced that such allegations do not flow from a pure fountain.

It is only those who are seeking a specific advantage for their own interests with a desire for immediate gain that become tired almost to the point of desperation when they are unable to achieve their selfish goals.

It is indispensable to observe immense prudence when a particular circumstance causes us to reflect on the evil that is assaulting us, in spite of the good that we judge we have planted and nurtured.

The sincere apprentice does not ignore that Jesus has exerted His ministry of love, without exhaustion, ever since the beginning of planetary organization. With regards to individual personal cases, the Master must have felt the thorns of our ingratitude, on many occasions, when observing our backwardness in fulfilling tasks of personal illumination. In spite of verifying our voluntary and often criminal errors, He has never demonstrated impatience. Instead, He corrects us with His love, tolerates us with His edification, and extends His merciful arms over each renovating project.

If He has withstood us and waited for us for so many centuries, why can we not also withstand with entusiasm whatever minor deceptions of a mere few days we must undergo?

The observation made by Paul to the thessalonians is, therefore, very justified. If we become tired of doing good, such a disaster would certainly only show that, as yet, we have not been able to eliminate the evil within ourselves.

Excerpted from Chapter 11 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel) 


Think well before entering into argument. At times the debater is no more than a hot-head. 

Use courage sensibly. On many occasions the courageous person is simply imprudent. 

Observe your methods of cultivating the truth. Many people who presume themselves truthful are actually channels of disturbance and discouragement. 

Proceed with intelligence in all situations. Do not forget, however, that many intelligent men are mere scoundrels.  

Be strong in daily the struggles. Nevertheless, do not forget that many whom you think to be brave are unconsciously committing suicide. 

Esteem efficiency. But do not adopt rashness on the pretext of speed. 

Do not confront dangers without the resources to annul them. What we set apart as bravery is often madness. 

Always show valour in your attitudes. Remember, however, that valour does not consist in winning at any price, but in conquering your adversary by peaceful means. 

Have courage, but be moderate in your undertakings. The distance from audacity to crime is but a few steps. 

Cultivate affability and sweetness along your path. Nevertheless, do not waste your time in useless conversation.

Excerpted from Chapter 11 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Be calm. Life, as a state of struggle, can be good; but the state of war is never a good life.  

Do not deliberate hurriedly. Circumstances, being the offspring of Superior Designs, modify our experiences minute by minute.  

Avoid inopportune tears. They can complicate enigmas instead of solving them.  

If you have erred disastrously, do not sink into despair. Standing up again is the best measure for one who falls. 

Be patient. If you cannot dominate yourself, then it is useless for you to seek understanding from someone who does not as yet comprehend you. 

If the question is excessively complex, wait one more day or one more week in order to resolve it. Time does not pass in vain. 

On the pretext of defending someone, do not enter into a noisy circle. There are those who make a great deal of noise as a matter of preference. 

Be moderate in your resolutions and attitudes. In moments of gravity your spiritual realities become more visible.  

Be moderate in your resolutions and attitudes. Our spiritual reality is more visible in grave moments.  

Take care in any kind of evaluation alluding to second or third persons. On similar occasions, others will be called upon to evaluate you.  

Never proclaim your individual merits since any excellent quality is very problematical within the frame of our spiritual acquisitions. Remind yourself that virtue is not a voice that speaks, but rather a power that radiates.

Excerpted from Chapter 10 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Friday, May 24, 2013


Do not become irritated with the person to whom you are talking if he does not meet your expectations. Perhaps you were not sufficiently clear in expressing yourself.  

When addressing someone and you do not receive a prompt answer don’t complain. He is probably a stutterer; if he is not, discourtesy is a sadness in itself. 

When someone does not give you the solicited information as quickly as you would like, do not become irritated. Remember that deafness can happen to anyone.  

Avoid matters which are disturbing to the listener. We all have painful periods in our destiny about which we must be silent. 

Refrain from asking thoughtless questions. The person who interrogates too much often offends greatly.  

Cultivate courteousness with the workers of any institutions or establishment you may happen to temporarily visit. Almost always your mind is usually unconcerned in such places and ignore the problems of those serving you.  

Be sincere, but avoid uncharitable frankness. On the pretext of being realistic do not try to be more honest than God, from whose Loving Authority only we receive the revelations and work of each day.  

If someone hurts you with an unkind answer, be calm and wait. Maybe they have already politely answered others ninety-nine times, or perhaps they have just suffered some important loss. 

Be helpful in your conversations. A good word always uplifts.  

Remember that evil is never worth commenting upon.

Excerpted from Chapter 9 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Thursday, May 23, 2013


When great calamities occur charity is filled with emotion, and generous impulses are seen on all sides in the repairing of these disasters. But apart from these general disasters, there are millions of private catastrophes which go unnoticed, for there are those who lie on beds of suffering without complaining. These discreet and hidden misfortunes are the ones which true generosity knows how to discover without even waiting to be asked for help.

Who is that woman with the distinctive air, simply dressed, although well cared for, who is accompanied by an equally modestly dressed young girl? They enter a sordid looking house where the lady is obviously well-known because they are greeted with respect as they enter. Where is she going? Up to the garret where a mother lies surrounded by her many children. On their arrival happiness bursts forth upon the thin faces. This is because the woman has come to soothe their pains. She has brought everything they need, tempered with gentle and consoling words which allows her protégés, who are not professional beggars, to accept these benefits without blushing. The father is in hospital and while he is there the mother is unable to provide the necessities of life with her work. By the grace of this good woman these poor children will no longer feel cold nor hungry; they will go to school well-clothed and, for the smaller ones, the mother's breasts which feed them will not go dry. If any member of this family falls sick, this good woman will not refuse the material care which they may need. From their house she will go on to the hospital to take the father some comforts and also to put his mind at rest as to his family. At the corner of the road a carriage awaits, and inside is a store of everything destined for her various protégés, for one after the other they all receive visits. She never asks what their religion is nor what their opinions are, because she considers them to be her brothers and sisters and the children of God, as are all men and women. When she has finished her rounds she can say to herself: "I have begun my day well." What is her name? Where does she come from? No one knows. To all those unhappy ones she has given a name which indicates nothing. But she is the personification of a consoling angel. Each night a host of blessings rise up to the heavens in her name from Catholics, Jews and Protestants alike. 

Why such modest clothing? So as not to insult their misery with her luxury. Why does she take her daughter? So that she too may learn how to practise beneficence, for the young lady also wishes to be charitable. However, the mother says to her: "What can you give, my daughter, when you have nothing of your own? If I give you something of mine to give away, what merit will that be for you? In that case it is really I who am giving, so what good would that bring you? It would not be just. So when I visit the sick you will help me treat them. To offer care to someone is to give something of yourself. Do you not think that is sufficient to start with? Well then, nothing could be simpler; you can begin by learning how to make useful articles and clothes for the children. In this manner you will be giving of yourself." When she is a true Christian, this is how a mother should prepare her children to practise those virtues which Christ taught. Is she a Spiritist? What does that matter!

In her own home she is a woman of the world because her position demands it of her. Those about her know nothing of what she is doing, as she does not wish for any approval other than that from God and her own conscience. However, one day an unexpected circumstance brought one of her protégés to her door, selling hand-made articles. When this woman saw her, she recognised her benefactor. The lady told her to be silent and “Tell no one!” Jesus also spoke in this manner.

Excerpted from Chapter XIII of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" - Allan Kardec

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Are those who wish to transform others, from one day to the next, by the force of mere words. 

Are those who give intelligent opinions and good advice to everybody, while being heedless of their own problems. 

Are those who place their minds completely in another world without attending to the duties of the world in which they live. 

Are those who are constantly concerned about defending themselves.  

Are those who plan ten marvelous projects each day without materialising even one of them in ten years.  

Are those who recognize the grandeur of the Divine Truths, but never find time to cultivate them in favor of their own illumination. 

Are those who continually postpone till tomorrow the task of understanding and loving others.  

Are those who regard themselves exclusive proprietors of all the work within the field of charity without distributing opportunities of service to others. 

Are those who declare forgiveness of the offense, but are never able to forget the injury. 

Are those who find occasion to become weary of life.

Excerpted from Chapter 8 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Help, with your prayers, all those brothers and sisters: 

who never find the time or resources to be useful to anyone; 

who declare themselves affronted by ingratitude on all sides; 

whose eyes are cloaked in darkness and so see evil in all situations; 

who dream of a thousand castles in the clouds, but do not light one candle on the ground; 

who will only cooperate in the ivory tower of personal interest, unwilling to descend so as to collaborate with others; 

who believe themselves to have special missions and thus entitled to exceptional benefits; 

who use up precious time talking exclusively about themselves; 

who give up the process of learning from the human struggle; 

who never cease to find excuses for all their faults; 

who want to live like orchids in the living room of the world; 

who judge themselves to be the obligatory centres of general attention; 

who make a fetish of illness and obstacles. 

These are very sick people in need of Silent Help.

Excerpted from Chapter 7 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Monday, May 20, 2013


Do not fret over the ignorant person; surely they have not had the opportunities which illuminated your path. 

Avoid trouble with those who are fanatics; they remain imprisoned in exclusivism and deserve compassion just as any other prisoner. 

Do not be perturbed with by an ill-bred person; in most cases the one who is unsociable has a liver complaint and bad nerves. 

Help the companion who is insecure; perhaps they do not have enough to supply their needs, while you retain an excess. 

Do not be angry with an ungrateful person; probably they are confused or inexperienced.  

Help those who make mistakes; your feet walk on the same ground, and even if you possess the possibility to correct them, you have no right to censure them. 

Pardon the deserter; he is weak and will return to the lesson later on. 

Aid the sick; thank the Divine Power for the state of equilibrium you are able to conserve. 

Forget your accuser; he does not know your case from its beginning. 

Forgive the transgressor; life will take care of him.

Excerpted from Chapter 6 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Always help.
Do not fear.
Never despair.
Learn incessantly.
Think profoundly.
Meditate more.
Speak little.
Correct lovingly.
Work happily.
Direct sensibly.
Obey contentedly.
Do no complain.
Go forward.
Observe what is beyond.
Look well ahead.
Discuss serenely.
Shed light.
Sow peace.
Spread blessings.
Struggle and elevate.
Be joyful.
Live fearlessly.
Demonstrate courage.
Reveal calmness.
Respect everything.
Pray confidently.
Be watchful with benevolence.
Go forth, progressing.
Serve today.
Await tomorrow.

Excerpted from Chapter 5 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)


God consoles the humble and gives strength to the afflicted when they ask. His might covers the Earth and in every place, with each tear shed, He places a consoling remedy. Abnegation and resignation are a continuous prayer and contain profound teaching. Human wisdom resides in these two words. Would that all suffering Spirits could understand this truth, instead of clamouring against their pain and moral sufferings which behoves them to partake. So, take these words for your motto: devotion and abnegation - and you will be strong as they resume all the obligations which charity and humility impose. The sentiment of fulfilled duty will give repose and resignation to your Spirit. Then your heart will beat more steadily, your soul become more tranquil and your body be protected against despondency. This is why the body feels that much weaker according to how profoundly the Spirit is stricken.

The Spirit of Truth
Havre, 1863.

Excerpted from Chapter VI of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" - Allan Kardec


Learn to yield in the favour of many, so that some will intercede on your behalf in disagreeable situations. 

Help without demanding, so that others may help you without complaining. 

Do not imprison those about you to your way of thinking; give your companion the opportunity to interpret life as freely as you do. 

Be careful of the way you express yourself; gestures often speak louder than words. 

Refer to yourself as little as possible; cooperate fraternally in the joys of your fellow beings. 

Avoid overwhelming verbosity; he who talks without pause tires the listener. 

Leave the authorship of good ideas to others and do not worry if you are forgotten. Be convinced that any noble initiative does not really belong to you, since everything good proceeds originally from God. 

Think of your adversary as a bearer of equilibrium; if we have need of friends to stimulate us, we equally need someone to show us our errors. 

Be calm when arguing; your opponent’s rights are the same as yours. 

If you pay too much attention to the criticism of the one who is inferior, then you must endure the constraints of the plane to which you have descended without feeling hurt. 

Be useful everywhere, but do not attempt to please everyone; do not undertake that which even Christ has still not attained. 

When faced with error, correct itfirst in yourself, and then in others, without violence and without hate. 

If treachery crosses your path, denyit the honour of indignation; examine it with a silent smile, study the process calmly and shortly afterwards, transform it into material worthy of life. 

Help the envious in a fraternal manner; spite is an undisguised homage to merit, and in paying this tribute, the common man torments himself and suffers.

Habituate yourself to serenity and strength in the circles of human struggle. Without these conquests it will be difficult for you to free yourself from the succession of inferior reincarnations.

Excerpted from Chapter 4 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Maintaining supreme faithfulness to God.
Forgetting personal desires while attending to Superior Designs.
Humbling oneself so the hand of the Lord may be exalted.
Overcoming oneself.
Renouncing joyfully for the benefit of others.
Reaping eternal profit from temporary losses.
Working to build the Divine Kingdom.
Maintaining hope, while others despair.
Entering into the temple of silence in the midst of commotion.
Maintaining one’s faith above the torment of doubts.
Silencing oneself in time to avoid hurting others.
Speaking constructively.
Listening to the Divine Friend when in solitude.
Serving without compensation.
Enduring one’s own cross with valour.
Learning and profiting from one’s suffering.
Loving, without demanding.
Helping in secret.
Sowing with Christ, detached from the results.
Finding brothers and sisters in all places.
Cultivating the pleasure of being useful.
Discerning the just worth of causes and of things.
Purifying evil.
Assisting those who err with sincerity. 
Forgiving as many times as necessary.
Overcoming obstacles.
Preserving joyfulness and sweetness.
Maintaining cheerfulness.
Detaching oneself from the deceits of the world before the world deceives us.
Persevering on the side of goodness to the end.

Excerpted from Chapter 3 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am the great Physician of souls and I have come to bring you the remedy that will cure. The weak, the suffering and the sick are My favourite children and I have come to save them. Come then unto me, you who suffer and find yourselves oppressed and you will be alleviated and consoled. Do not search for strength and consolation elsewhere as the world is impotent to offer them. God directs a supreme appeal to your hearts by means of Spiritism. Listen to Him. Eradicate impiety, lies, error and incredulity from your aching souls. They are like monsters who suck the purest of your blood and open wounds which are almost always mortal. Thus in the future when you have become humble and submissive to the Creator, you will keep His divine law. Love, pray, be gentle to the Spirits of the Lord, and call unto them from the bottom of your hearts. Then He will send His beloved son to instruct you and to say these goodly words: "I have come because you called me."

The Spirit of Truth 
Bordeaux, 1861.

Excerpted from Chapter VI of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" - Allan Kardec


Do not forget that God is the central theme of our destinies.
Desire the well being of others as much as you desire it for yourself.
Come to terms quickly with your adversaries.
Respect your neighbours’ opinion.
Avoid disagreeable disputes.
Lending without expecting restitution.
Give your assistance in good works happily.
Do not worry about slanderers.
Thank your enemy for the value he ascribes to you.
Help children.
Do not abandon the old and the sick.
Where benefits are concerned, think of yourself last.
Apologise sincerely.
Criticise no one.
Straighten out your own defects before correcting those of others.
Use faith and good judgment.
Learn to sow, that you may reap a good harvest.
Do not expect grapes from the thornbush.
Free yourself from the weight of excessive conventionalism.
Cultivate simplicity.
Talk as little as possible about yourself and your problems.
Stimulate the noble qualities of your companions.
Work for the good of all.
Value time.
Organise your work knowing that each day has its obligations.
Do not be anxious.
Serve everyone with detachment.
Be happy, just and grateful.
Never impose your point of view.
Remember that the world was not made only for you.

Social sciences of today present these principles as being new. However, they are ancient, havingcome to Earth with Christ almost twenty centuries ago. But we, who are slow to comprehend, are even slower in applying them. 

Excerpted from Chapter 2 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you: yourselves have been taught by God to love each other." - Paul (I Thessalonians 4:9)
A strong contradiction, which disorganizes human contribution towards the building of Christianity, is a sectarian tendency that annoys a great number of its followers.

If there were more reflection and more attentiveness to the teachings of Jesus, then, those unjustifiable battles would be defused forever.

Even today, due to the manifestations from the spiritual plane towards the renovation of the world, individuals and groups of people appear to seek formulas from the Beyond, which would enable them to enter the realms of pure fraternity.

What are the enlightened companions waiting for in order to effect true brotherhood?

Many people overlook the fact that legitimate solidarity is scarce in places where there is little spiritual service and where there is an excess of preoccupation with criticism. Many well-known organizations are drawn into disturbances and dissolution because of a lack of mutual help in the areas of comprehension, work and good will.

Is there a lack of assistance? No.

Every honest and generous project resounds in the higher spheres, luring cooperative self-sacrificing workers to its aid.

When there is an invasion of disharmony in an organization of good will, the individuals involved should blame themselves for not fulfilling their commitments or for their indifference in giving assistance and service. Let no one ask Heaven for recipes of fraternity, because the sacred and immutable formula is already known to us, through the words "Love each other."

Excerpted from Chapter 10 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


My children, within the sentence: Without charity there is no salvation, is enclosed the destiny of mankind, both on Earth and in Heaven. On Earth, because beneath the shadow of this banner all may live in peace, and in Heaven, because those who have practised it will find grace in God's eyes. This phrase is the celestial beacon, the luminous column, which will guide mankind in life's desert, putting all on the right path to the Promised Land. It shines in Heaven as a saintly halo on the brows of the chosen ones, and on Earth it is engraved on the hearts of those to whom Jesus has said: "Go to the right and receive the blessing of My Father". You will recognise them when they come by the aroma of charity that spreads around them. Nothing can indicate with more exactitude nor summarize so well mankind's obligations, as this divine maxim. Spiritism could not better prove its origin than present it as its rule, because it is a reflection of the most pure Christianity. Humanity will never go astray if it takes this as its guide. So then, my dear friends, dedicate yourselves to the understanding of the deep meaning behind these words and the consequences of their application and then discover for yourselves all the many ways in which they may be applied. Submit all your activities to be administered by charity and your conscience will respond. Not only will it cause you to avoid practising evil, but it will also make you practise goodness, in as much as a negative virtue is not enough; it is necessary to possess an active virtue. Therefore in order to do good there is always the need for the action of willpower, whereas in order to not practise evil it is sufficient to be inert or unconcerned.

My friends, give thanks to God for having permitted you to enjoy the enlightenment of Spiritism. Not that those who possess this enlightenment are the only ones who will be saved, but because it helps you to understand the teachings of Christ, so making you into better Christians. Therefore make every effort so that your fellow beings, on observing you, are induced to recognise that the true Spiritist and the true Christian are one and the same, given that all those who practise charity are the disciples of Jesus, without putting any embargo on whatever sect they may belong to. 

Paul, the Apostle 
Paris, 1860.

Excerpted from Chapter XV of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" - Allan Kardec


"Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." - Jesus (Matthew, 7:24)
The great preachers of the Gospel were always seen as the greatest interpreters of Christianity in the gallery of venerable persons of faith. But this, however, only ocurred when the workers of the truth, in fact, did not forget the need for vigilance, which is indispensable at the time of testimony.

It is interesting to note that among all of His disciples Jesus regards most highly the ones who not only listen to His teachings, but also, puts them into practice. From this it can be concluded that individuals of faith are not necessarily those who are prodigious in words and enthusiasm, but rather, who also show and project attentiveness and good will towards the teachings of Jesus, by examining their spiritual context in order to apply them in their daily tasks.

We are comforted to note that all those involved in the field of evangelical work will be guided toward the interior marvels of the faith. However, we must always point out the elevated wisdom of those of moderation who upon registering the teachings and advice of the Glad Tidings, carefully seek solutions for the problems of that day or that occasion, without ever permitting their achievements to take place outside of an indispensable Christian foundation.

In all tasks the use of the spoken word is sacred and essential. However, no student must ever forget the sublime value of silence, at the propitious moments, in the superior work of perfecting his inner self, so that reflections may be heard within his soul, thus guiding his destiny.

Excerpted from Chapter 9 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)   

Monday, May 13, 2013


"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." (I Peter, 5:7)
 Anxieties trigger many crimes on Earth and are never constructive.

Invariably, the anxious man has all the odds against him.

In opposition to these anxious disquieting moments the lessons about the patience of Nature appear in every sector of human pathways.

If man had been be born to be constantly anxious, it would be, as if to say that he had come to this Earth not in the category of a sanctifying laborer, but rather as a desperate unpardonable soul.

If human beings could reflect more sensibly, they would be able to recognize the actual context of service that the moments of each day can offer. They would try to be more vigilant, and give proper value to their own assets.

Undoubtedly the scenery changes constantly, obliging us to encounter unpleasant surprises, as a result of our inadequate attitudes while experiencing happiness or pain. However, an essential imposition of the Law obliges us to proceed daily in the direction of goodness.

Anxiety will try to coerce gentle hearts because the terrestrial pathways unfold many dark corners and almost  unsolvable problems. Nevertheless, let us not forget the prescription that Peter has given us.

Place your concerns and disquieting fears in the hopes you have in the Celestial Father, because Divine Love desires the well being of all of us.

It is just to ardently desire the victory of Light, to perservere in search of peace, to discipline yourselves for your union with the superior planes, to insist in synchronizing with the more evolved spheres. However, bear in mind that anxiety always precedes a fall.

Excerpted from Chapter 8 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Learn – humbly. 
Teach – practising. 
Administer – by educating. 
Obey – willingly. 
Love – edifyingly. 
Fear – yourself. 
Suffer – benefitingyourself. 
Speak – constructively. 
Hear – without malice. 
Help – by elevating others. 
Assist –uplifting others 
Pass by – serving. 
Pray – serenely. 
Ask – with discernment. 
Wait – working. 
Believe – actively. 
Trust – watchfully. 
Receive – and distribute. 
Attend – graciously. 
Cooperate – with detachment. 
Offer urgent assistance – through improvement. 
Examine circumstances – with criterion. 
Clarify – respectfully. 
Sow – without anxiety. 
Study – while perfecting. 
Walk – with everyone. 
Advance – offering help. 
Act – for the general good. 
Correct – with kindness. 
Forgive – continuously. 

Excerpted from Chapter 1 of "Christian Agenda" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit André Luiz)


"When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat, or of something else." - Paul (I Corinthians, 15:37)
As we observe things, within the tasks assigned to Nature, the seed represents the sacred role of Priestess of the service of the Creator and of Life.

As glorious heir to Divine Power, Nature cooperates in the evolution of the world and silently transmits the sublime lesson full of infinite values to mankind.

It wisely exemplifies the need for starting points, the just requirements for work, the proper places and appropriate times.

Some restless and insatiable individuals have yet to understand Nature. They expect great accomplishments from one day to the next. They forcefully impose their tyrannical measures by the use of power, arms or otherwise betray the profound Laws of Nature. They accelerate processes of ambition, establish transitory control, glorify themselves over ficticious conquests, become aggrandized and fall without even succeeding in acomplishing any sanctified edification for themselves or for anyone else.

They have not learned the lesson from the minuscle seed that provides wheat for the daily bread and guarantees life in all the regions of planetary struggle.

To know how to commence constitutes an important service.

In the redeeming effort it is necessary not to lose sight of the small possibilities, such as a gesture, a conversation, an hour, a phrase, which can be the instrument of glorious seeds for immortal edification. Therefore, it is indispensable never to disregard them.

Excerpted from Chapter 7 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

Saturday, May 11, 2013


I have come to instruct and console the poor disinherited. I have come to tell them to raise up their resignation to the level of their trials, and to weep, since pain was consecrated in the Garden of Olives. But wait with patience, for the consoling angels will also come to them and dry their tears. 

Workers, plan your path! Recommence the following day the wearisome labour of the previous day. The work done by your hands furnishes the body with earthly bread; however, your souls are not forgotten. I, the divine Gardener, cultivate them in the silence of your thoughts. When the time comes for repose and the thread of life slips through your fingers and your eyes are closed to the light, you will feel the surging within and the germination of My precious seed. Nothing is lost in Kingdom of our Father. Your sweat and miseries form the treasure that will make you rich in the superior spheres, where light substitutes the darkness and where the most naked of you will perhaps become the most resplendent.

In truth I say unto you that those who bear their burdens and help their brothers and sisters are beloved by Me. Instruct yourselves in the precious doctrine which dissipates the error of revolt and shows the sublime object of human trials. As the wind sweeps the dust, so the breeze of the Spirits dissipates your resentment against the riches of the world, which are frequently very pitiable, since they are subject to more dangerous trials than yours. I am with you and My apostle will instruct you. So, you who are captive by life, drink from the living spring of love and be prepared to one day launch yourselves, free and happy, upon the bosom of He Who created you weak so that you might become perfect; Who desires that you model  your own pliable clay in order to be the author of your own immortality.

The Spirit of Truth
Paris, 1861.

Excerpted from Chapter VI of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" - Allan Kardec

Friday, May 10, 2013


"Walk while you have light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going." - Jesus (John, 12:35)
A person who meditates will come across divine thoughts when analyzing the past and the future. He will find himself situated between two eternities, the days of yore and the days yet to come.

By examining the treasures of the present, he will discover precious opportunities.

In the future, he will be able to foresee a blessed light of immortality, while in the past he will perceive the shadows of ignorance, of malpractice erros, and badly lived experiences. The great majority of humans possess no other panorama with regard to either a close or remote past except that of ruin and disenchantment, which compels them to reevaluate the resources at hand.

In spite of being transitory, human existence is the flame that places each one in contact with the service needed for a just ascension. With this blessed opportunity it is possible to redeem, to achieve, to conquer, to unite, to reconcile and to enrich yourselves in the Master.

Reflect on this observation of Jesus and you will perceive His illuminated reasoning: "Walk while you have light,"  He said.

Take advantage of the gift of time you have been given in edifying work.

Stay away from inferior conditions; acquire higher understanding.

Without showing signs of improvement and betterment during the march ahead, you will be dominated by darkness. This means you will annul your sacred opportunity and revert to less worthy impulses, thus regressing after death of the body, to the very shadows from which you previously emerged, with the intent of conquering new peaks on the sublime mountain of life.

Excerpted from Chapter 6 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

Thursday, May 9, 2013


"Be content with your pay." - John the Baptist (Luke, 3:14)
John the Baptist's reply to the soldiers that beseeched his enlightenment, is a model of conciseness and good sense.

Many people get lost through inextricable labyrints by virtue of deficient comprehension regarding problems of compensation in common life.

Some employees solicit salaries merited by cabinet ministers without realizing the great responsability that frequently converts world leaders or administrators into victims of insomnia and anxiety, or martyrs of presentations and banquets.

There are learned men who give-up the peace in their homes in exchange for increasing their salaries.

Numerous persons persist anxiously and incredulously from youth to old age with afflictions and illnesses for not accepting the monthly salary that the human circumstances of life have assigned to them within the Unfathomable Designs.

It will not be due to excessive remuneration that the individual will be integrated into the divine spheres of life.
If one individual remains conscious of the duties he/she is to fulfill, then, the greater his/her income, the greater his worry will be.

For a long time, there has been a popular saying that "For a great ship a great storm will surge." The acceptance of his salary on the part of each laborer is proof of an evolved awareness of the justice of the Almighty.

Rather than trying to analyze the pay scale here on Earth, get accustomed to placing value on the concessions  received from Heaven.

Excerpted from Chapter 5 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many." - Jesus (Matthew, 20:28)
While in the company of the spirit of service, we shall always be well protected. The entire Creation reaffirms  this truth with absolute clarity.

From the inferior kingdoms to the highest spheres all things serve in their own time.

The law of work, with its division and the specialization of tasks, is preponderant in the humblest elements of the various sectors of Nature.

This tree will cure illnesses, that other one will produce fruit. There are stones that contribute to the construction of homes; others serve as a foundation for road construction.

The Father designated the planetary home to the human being, whereby each object is found in its proper place, merely awaiting the dignified effort and proper word, in order to teach mankind the art of service. If provided with the gunpowder designated to spark the energy, and if this gunpowder is utilized as an instrument of death to his fellowman, the earthly user is accountable, because the Supreme Being suggests that every action be in the practice of good, aiming the elevation and enrichment of all the values of the Universal Patrimony.

Let us not forget that Jesus worked while he was among us. Let us examine the nature of His sacrificing service and learn from the Master the happiness of sanctifying service.

You can start immediately.

A hoe or a casserole constitute an excellent way to begin. If you feel ill and unable to make a direct contribution, you can still commence by helping in the moral edification of your brothers.

Excerpted from Chapter 4 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


"Jesus replied: No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God." (Luke, 9:62)
Here we see Jesus utilizing one of the most beautiful symbols in the construction of the Divine Kingdom.

Without a doubt, had the Master so desired, He would have created other images. He could have alluded to the laws of the world, to social obligations, to the Texts of the Prophecy; however, He preferred to fix the teachings on simpler basis.

The plough is the universal tool. It is heavy, requires effort and cooperation among man and the machine. It provokes sweat and caution, and above all, it tills the soil for greater production. As it proceeds it prepares a cradle for the seedlings, and the soil relinquishes so that the rain, the sun and the fertilizers are conveniently utilized.

It is necessary, therefore, that the sincere disciple takes lessons from the Divine Cultivator by embracing the plough of responsability through an edifying struggle, without letting go. In this manner, thus avoiding a grave detriment to "his own soil".

Let us meditate over the lost opportunities, from the merciful rains that have fallen upon us and have been lost  without being advantageous to our spirits; of the loving sun that has been vivifying us for many millenniums, of the precious fertilizer that we have rejected by preferring lazy inactivity and indifference.

Let us examine all of these and reflect on the symbol used by Jesus.

A plough promises service, discipline, affliction and exhaustion; nevertheless, we should not forget that afterwards, the harvest and the crops will place bread on the table, as well as fill the cellars.

Excerpted from Chapter 3 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

Monday, May 6, 2013


"The miracles I do in my Father's name, speak for me." - Jesus (John, 10:25)

The preoccupation of the ordinary individual relative to family traditions is commonplace, as well as in the earthly endeavors to which they usually lend themselves, exalting the conventional position that distinguishes their personality.

However, in true life, no one is known for similar processes. Each Spirit brings with him the vivid history of his own acts, and only by his own actions and achievements is he known for his merits or demerits.

With this disclosure we do not wish to affirm that the word is deprived of indisputable advantages; nonetheless, it is imperative to comprehend that the verb  has tremendous potential, which we received by the Infinite Mercy as a divine resource. It is indispensable to realize what we are achieving with this gift from the Eternal Being.

In that respect, the affirmation of Jesus is dressed in imperishable beauty.

What would we think of a Savior who would institute such regulations for humanity without sharing its difficulties and impediments?

Jesus Christ initiated His Divine Mission among farmers and laborers. He lived among irritable Doctors of Law and rebellious sinners. He walked among the sick and the afflicted. He ate stale bread with the humble fisherman and fulfilled His saintly task amidst two thieves.

What more can you ask for? If you long for an easy life and distinguished positions in the world, remind yourself of the Master, pause, and think.

Excerpted from Chapter 2 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)


"What then shall we say brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be  done for the strengthening of the church." - Paul (I Corinthians 14:26)
The Church of Corinth was struggling with certain strenuous difficulties when Paul wrote the observation transcribed herein.

The contents of the letter noted diverse spiritual problems experienced by the Peloponnesian companions; however, we can isolate the verse and apply it to various situations experienced by Christian groups formed in a Spiritist environmente, in the revival of the Teachings of the Gospel.

We usually notice intense preoccupation on the part  of the workers for news regarding phenomena and revelation.

Some nucleuses simply halt ther activities when they do not have experienced mediums.


No medium can resolve, permanently, the fundamental problems of the illumination of companions.

Our spiritual task would be absurd if it were solely circumscribed to the mechanical frequency of others, to any Spiritist center, simply to observe the efforts of a few.

May the disciples be convinced that the tasks and the realization belong to all and that it is indispensable for each one to work within the area of edification to which they are assigned. No one can allege an absence of new information when voluminous concessions from the superior sphere await the firm decision of the apprentice of good will regarding the understanding of life and the need for improvement.

When you meet, remember the doctrine and the revelation, your ability to speak and to interpret, which you already possess, and set to work of goodness and enlightenment, towards indispensable improvement.

Excerpted from Chapter 1 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)


"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due to him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." - Paul (II Corinthians 5:10) 
There are some who undoubtedly perceive Spiritism as a simple phenomenon of little moral significance to mankind.

Thus, many students of this Consoling Doctrine limit themselves to laboratory investigators or philosophical discussions.

Notwithstanding, it is imperative that we recognize there are as many categories of discarnates as there are of incarnates.

Spirits that are argumentative, frivolous, rebellious and unstable are everywhere. Beyond these, other enigmas and problems appear to the inhabitants of both planes.

For similar reasons, the supporters of effective progress of the world, far from physical life, advocate Spiritism with Jesus converting the interchange in a factor of spiritual purification.

We feel that we should not criticize other circles of life, if we are not interested in improving our personality in the one in which we live.

It is of little value to search for resources that do not dignify us.

So for us, who supposedly have our hearts open to the responsabilities of living, Spiritism does not express just a simple conviction of immortality: it is a climate of service and edification.

It is of no use simply to have conviction of the survival of the soul after death, without prior preparation for spiritual life while we are on Earth. In that effort toward rehabilitation there is no wiser and more loving guide than Christ.

Only in the light of His sublime lessons it is possible to re-adjust our path, renovate our mind and purify our heart.

Not everything that is admirable is divine.

Not all that is grand is responsible.

Not all that is beautiful is saintly.

Not all that is agreeable is useful.

The problem is not only to have the knowledge, but it is for each to reform oneself toward righteouness.

So let us adapt ourselves to the Gospel in feeling and in life, being mindful of our indispensable inner illumination because according to the opportune and wise words of the Apostle, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due to him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."

Excerpted from the Preface to "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)


It is always in the troubled hours of history that the grandest conceptions form in the breast of humanity. For there the old doctrines, with their voices enfeebled by age, and the philosophies, with their abstract language, no longer suffice to console the afflicted, to raise the courage of the crushed, and to lead souls to the summits. Nevertheless, they contain latent forces, and the light of their hearts can be reanimated. We do not partake of the views of those who, in this domain, seek to demolish rather than to restore; this would be wrong. Wisdom consists in gathering the portions of eternal life and the moral truths they contain, while casting away the superficial and useless, which the ages and the passion of men have added.

This work of discernment, of sorting, of renovation, who can accomplish? Men are badly prepared for it. In spite of the imperious wavering of the hour, in spite of the moral decadence of out time, no voice of authority is lifted, either in the sanctuary or the academy, to say the strong and grand words for which the world waits. The impulsion could only come from on high - it has come! All those who have studied the past with attention, know there is a plan in the drama of the centuries.

The divine thought manifests itself in different fashions, and the revelation gradually unfolds in a thousand manners, following the needs of society. When the hour of a new dispensation arrives, the Invisible World comes out of its silence; in all parts of the earth flow communications from the departed, bringing elements of a doctrine which give a foundation for the religions and the philosophies of two humanities.

The aim of psychical research is not to destroy, but to verify - to renew, to complete. It separates in the domain of faith that which is living and that, which isdead. It gathers and assembles, from the numerous systems by which until now, the conscience of humanity has been enclosed, the relative truths that they contain, and unites them with the order of truth proclaimed by itself. In brief, this new spiritism attaches to the human soul, still weak and uncertain, the powerful wings of wide space, and by this means elevates it to the height where it can embrace the vast harmony of laws and worlds, and at the same time obtain a clear vision of its destiny.

And that destiny it finds incomparably superior to anything, which has been murmured to it by the dogmas of the Middle Age and the theories of other times. It is an immense future of evolution, which opens for it, and leads it from sphere to sphere, from light to light, toward a goal always more beautiful, always more fully illumined with rays of justice and love.

Excerpted from Chapter II of "Life and Destiny" - Léon Denis


God, judging humanity mature enough to penetrare the mistery of its destiny and to contemplate with composure new marvels, has permitted the veil between the known and the unknown worlds to be raised. The fact of the manifestations has nothing supernatural about it: it is the spiritual humanity that comes to talk to humanity in the flesh, and to say it:

"We exist; nothingness exists not. Behold that which we are, and that which you will be; the future is the same for you as to us. You walk in darkness; we come to throw light upon your way, and to prepare it before you. Terrestrial life was all you could comprehend, because you saw nothing beyond. We come to say to you, in showing the spiritual life to you, the earthly life is as nothing. Your sight was arrested at the tomb; we come to show you the splendid horizon beyond it. You knew not why you suffer upon Earth; now, in suffering you see the justice of God. Goodness was unfruitful for the future; it will have henceforth an object, and will be a necessity. Fraternity was only a beautiful theory; it is now firmly established as a law of nature. Under the empire of the belief that death ends all, immensity is void, egotism reigns master among you, and your watchword is, "Each one for himself." With certitude of the future, infinite space is peopled with infinitude. Emptiness and solitude do not exist; solidarity joins all beings both this side and beyond the tomb together. It is the reign of charity with the device, "One for all and all for one." Instead of bidding an eternal farewell to dear friends at the close of life, you will now say, "Good bye till I see you again."

Excerpted from Chapter I of  "Genesis" - Allan Kardec


Do not seek God in the temples of stone and marble, oh! man who want to know Him, but in the eternal temple of Nature, in the spectacle of the worlds travelling in the Infinite, in the splendors of life as it expands on their surfaces, in the view of the varied horizons: plains, valleys, mountains and seas that your earthly residence offers you. Everywhere, in the bright light of the day or under the starry mantle of the night, on the shore of the tumultuous oceans, as well in the solitude of the forests, if you know how to gather yourself, you will hear the voices of Nature and the subtle teachings they murmur in the ear of those that attend their solitudes and study their mysteries.

Earth moves noiseless in the space. This mass of ten thousand leagues of circuit glides over the ether waves like a bird in the sky, like a mosquito in the light. Nothing betrays her majestic march. No creaking wheels, no murmuring waves on its flanks. Silent, she passes, rolls between her sisters from the sky. The whole powerful machine of the Universe stirs itself; the millions of stars and planets that compose it, worlds that make ours seem like a child, all of them move themselves, intercross themselves, continue their evolutions at astounding speeds, without a sound or an impact that betrays the action of this gigantic machine. The Universe remains calm. It is the absolute balance; it is the majesty of a mysterious power, of an Intelligence that does not impose itself, that hides itself within all things, and whose presence is revealed to the mind and the heart, and that attracts the researcher like the vertigo of the abyss.

If Earth moved noisily, if the world mechanism failed to regulate itself, men, terrified, would bend themselves and would believe. But, no! The formidable work executes itself effortlessly. Globes and suns float in the Infinite, as free as plumes in the breeze. Forward, always forward! The movement of the spheres is guided by an invisible power. 

The will that directs the Universe disguise itself from all glances. Things are disposed in a way so that nobody is obliged to give them credit. If the order and harmony of the Cosmos is not enough to convince the man, he is free to conjecture. Nothing constrains the skeptical to go towards God.

The same happens to the moral things. Our beings develop themselves and events succeed each other without an apparent connection; yet, the immanent justice rules from above and regulate our destinies according to an immutable principle, through which everything is chained in a succession of causes and effects. Its set constitutes a harmony that the spirit emancipated from prejudice, illuminated by a ray of Wisdom, discovers and admires. What do we know about the Universe? Our view just perceives a restricted set of the empire of all things. The subtle and diffuse matter escapes from us. We see what is coarser around us. All fluidic worlds, all circles where higher life stirs itself, the radiant life, eclipse themselves to the human eyes. We distinguish only the opaque and heavy worlds that are moving in the skies. The Space that separates us seems empty. Everywhere, deep chasms seem to open themselves. Error! The Universe is full. Among these material  dwellings, in the middle of this planetary worlds, jails or prisons float in the Space, another life domains extend themselves, spiritual life, glorious life, which our thick senses cannot perceive because, under their radiations, it would break like the glass is shattered when it shocks with a stone.

The wise Nature limited our perceptions and sensations. It is step by step that it conducts us on the path of knowledge. It is slowly, piece by piece, lives after lives, that it leads us to the knowledge of the Universe, whether visible or invisible. The being climbs, one by one, the steps of the gigantic ladder that leads to God. And each of these steps represents for the being a long succession of centuries.

If the celestial worlds suddenly appeared to us, without veils, in all their glory, we would be stunned, blinded. However, our exterior senses were measured and limited. They loom and perfect themselves as the being raise itself on the scale of existence and improvements. So it is with the knowledge, the possession of the moral laws. The Universe unveils itself to our eyes as our capacity to understand its laws develops and enhances itself. Slow is the incubation of Souls under the divine light.

It is to you, oh! Supreme Power! Whichever the name that is given to you and however imperfectly you are understood; it is to you, eternal source of life, of beauty, of harmony, that we raise our aspirations, our trust, our love. 

Where are You, in which deep and mysterious skies You hide yourself? How many souls believed that it would be sufficient, to meet You, the departure from Earth. But You keep yourself invisible in the spiritual world, as in the terrestrial world, invisible for those who have not yet acquired the sufficient purity to reflect your divine rays. 

However, everything reveals and manifests your presence. Whatever in Nature and Humanity that sings and celebrates the love, the beauty, the perfection, everything that lives and breathes is message of God. The magnificent forces that animate the Universe proclaim the reality of the divine Intelligence; beside them, the majesty of God manifests itself in History, by the action of the great Souls which, like immense waves, bring to the terrestrial nations all the powers of the work of wisdom and love.

And God is, thus, in each of us, in the living temple of the consciousness. That is the holy place, the sanctuary where is located the divine spark. 

Excerpted (translated) from Chapter I of "O Grande Enigma (The Great Riddle)" - Léon Denis


I have come, as I came on another occasion to those misguided sons and daughters of Israel, to bring the truth and to dissipate the darkness. Harken unto me! As my words in the past have done, so must Spiritism remind the incredulous that above them reigns the immutable truth which is the existence of the good God, the great God, who causes the plants to germinate and the waves to rise up. As a reaper, I have gathered in sheaves the scattered goodness in the breasts of humanity and said: "Come unto me, all you who suffer."

But Man with ungratefulness has moved away from the straight and wide path which leads to the Kingdom of my Father and has followed the bleak pathways of impiety. My Father does not wish to annihilate the human race; He wants the living and the dead, that is to say those who are dead according to the flesh because death does not exist, to assist each other mutually and listen no more to the voice of the prophets and apostles, but listen instead to those who no longer live upon Earth and who proclaim: "Pray and believe! Death is the resurrection and life is an ordeal you seek, during which the virtues you have cultivated will grow and develop, even as the cedar tree."

Those of you who are weak and know the obscurity of your own minds, do not deviate from the beacon which divine clemency has put into your hands so as to enlighten your pathway and reconduct you, who are lost children, once again to the bosom of the Father.

I am too much overcome with compassion for your miseries and by your immense weakness not to extend a helping hand to all those unhappily misguided who, while looking up to Heaven, fall into the pit of error. Believe, love, and meditate on these things which are revealed unto you. Do not mix the chaff with the good seed, nor the Utopias with the truth.

Spiritists! Love one another, that is the first precept; educate yourselves is the second. Within Christianity you will find all the truths. The errors in which Man has become enrooted are all of human origin. Here from beyond the grave, where you thought there was nothing, voices clamour: "Brothers and sisters! Nothing perishes! Jesus Christ is the victor over all evil, you can be the victors over impiety."

The Spirit of Truth
Paris, 1860.

Excerpted from Chapter VI of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" - Allan Kardec



"To be born, to die, to be reborn yet again, and constantly progress, that is the Law." - Allan Kardec
"Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason face to face in every Human epoch."  - Allan Kardec
"Without Charity there is no salvation" - Allan Kardec
Charity: "benevolence for everyone, indulgence for another's imperfections, forgiveness of injuries." (Spirit's Book, 886)

What it is?
  • It is the set of laws and principles, as revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec, which constitute the Spiritist Codification: The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and The Genesis.
  • "Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world." Allan Kardec (Taken from Qu’est-ce que le Spiritisme? - Préambule) - Translated from the original French
  • "Spiritism realises what Jesus said of the promised Consoler, by bringing knowledge of those things which allow Man to know where he came from, where he is going and why he is on Earth; so attracting mankind towards the true principles of God’s law and offering consolation through faith and hope." Allan Kardec (Taken from The Gospel According to Spiritism - Chap. 6 - Item 4) - Translated from the original French
What it reveals?
  • It reveals new and more profound concepts with respect to God, the Universe, the Human Being, the Spirits and the Laws which govern life itself. 
  • Furthermore, it reveals what we are; where we have come from; where we are going; what is the objective of our existence; and what is the reason for pain and suffering.
What it comprises
  • By bringing new concepts about the Human Being and everything that surrounds it, Spiritism touches on all areas of knowledge, human activities and behaviour, thus opening a new era for the regeneration of Humanity.
  • Spiritism can and should be studied, analyzed, and practiced in all the fundamental aspects of life, such as: scientific, philosophical, religious, ethical, moral, educational, and social.
What it teaches? 
  • God is the Supreme Intelligence, first cause of all things. God is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, supremely just and good.
  • The Universe is God’s creation. It encompasses all rational and non-rational beings, both animate and inanimate, material and immaterial.
  • In addition to the corporeal world inhabited by incarnate Spirits, which are human beings, there exists the spiritual world, inhabited by discarnate Spirits. 
  • Within the Universe there are other inhabited worlds, with beings at different degrees of evolution: some equal, others more or less evolved than earthly Man.
  • All the Laws of Nature are Divine Laws because God is their author. They cover both the physical and moral laws.
  • A Human Being is a Spirit incarnated in a material body. The perispirit is the semi-material body which unites the Spirit to the physical body.
  • Spirits are the intelligent beings of creation. They constitute the world of the Spirits, which pre-exists and outlives everything.
  • Spirits are created simple and ignorant. They evolve intellectually and morally, passing from a lower order to a higher one, until they attain perfection, where they will enjoy unalterable bliss.
  • Spirits preserve their individuality before, during, and after each incarnation.
  • Spirits reincarnate as many times as is necessary for their spiritual advancement.
  • Spirits are always progressing. In their multiple physical existences, they may sometimes become stationary but they never regress. The speed of their intellectual and moral progress depends on the efforts they make to attain perfection.
  • Spirits belong to different orders according to the degree of perfection they have attained: Pure Spirits, who have attained maximum perfection; Good Spirits, whose predominant desire is towards goodness; and Imperfect Spirits, characterized by their ignorance, their tendency towards evil, and by their inferior passions.
  • The Spirits’ relations with Human Beings are constant and have always existed. The Good Spirits attract us towards goodness, sustain us in life’s trials, and help us bear them with courage and resignation. The Imperfect Spirits induce us towards error.
  • Jesus is the Guide and Model for all Humankind. The Doctrine He taught and exemplified is the purest expression of God’s Law.
  • The morality of Christ, as contained in the Gospels, is the guidence for the secure progress of all Human Beings. Its practice is the solution for all human problems and the objective to be attained by Humankind.
  • Human Beings are given free-will to act, but they must answer for the consequences of their actions.
  • Future life reserves for Human Beings penalties and pleasures according to the respect they do or do not show for God’s laws.
  • Prayer is an act of adoration for God. It is found in the natural law and is the result of an innate sentiment in every Human Being, just as the idea of the existence of the Creator is innate.
  • Prayer makes Human Beings better. Whoever prays with fervour and confidence grows stronger against evil temptations, and God sends the Good Spirits to assist them. This assistance will never be denied when requested with sincerity.
 Spiritist Practice
  • All Spiritist practice is gratuitous, following the orientation of the moral principle found in the Gospel: "Give for free what you receive for free."
  • Spiritism is practiced with simplicity, without any external forms of worship, within the Christian principle that God should be worshipped in spirit and in truth.
  • Spiritism has no clergy, nor does it adopt or use at any of its meetings or during its practices the following: altars, images, candles, processions, sacraments, concession of indulgences, religious vestiments, alcoholic or hallucinogenic beverages, incense, tobacco, talismans, amulets, horoscopes, cartomancy, pyramids, crystals, or any other objects, rituals or external forms of worship.
  • Spiritism does not impose its principles. It invites those interested in knowing it to submit its teachings to the test of reason before accepting them.
  • Mediumship, which allows the Spirits to communicate with Human Beings, is a faculty which many individuals bring with them at birth, independent of whatever religion or beliefs they may come to adopt.
  • Spiritist mediumship practice is solely that which is exercised based on the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine and within the Christian moral concepts.
  • Spiritism respects all religions and doctrines; values all efforts towards the practice of goodness; works towards peace and fellowship between all nations and all peoples, regardless of race, colour, nationality, creed, cultural or social standing. It also recognizes that "the truly good person is one who complies with the laws of justice, love, and charity in their highest degree of purity." (The Gospel According to Spiritism – chapter 17 – item 3)
The study of the works of Allan Kardec is fundamental to achieve a true understanding of the Spiritism.




Jesus,  the door Kardec,  the key.