Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you: yourselves have been taught by God to love each other." - Paul (I Thessalonians 4:9)
A strong contradiction, which disorganizes human contribution towards the building of Christianity, is a sectarian tendency that annoys a great number of its followers.

If there were more reflection and more attentiveness to the teachings of Jesus, then, those unjustifiable battles would be defused forever.

Even today, due to the manifestations from the spiritual plane towards the renovation of the world, individuals and groups of people appear to seek formulas from the Beyond, which would enable them to enter the realms of pure fraternity.

What are the enlightened companions waiting for in order to effect true brotherhood?

Many people overlook the fact that legitimate solidarity is scarce in places where there is little spiritual service and where there is an excess of preoccupation with criticism. Many well-known organizations are drawn into disturbances and dissolution because of a lack of mutual help in the areas of comprehension, work and good will.

Is there a lack of assistance? No.

Every honest and generous project resounds in the higher spheres, luring cooperative self-sacrificing workers to its aid.

When there is an invasion of disharmony in an organization of good will, the individuals involved should blame themselves for not fulfilling their commitments or for their indifference in giving assistance and service. Let no one ask Heaven for recipes of fraternity, because the sacred and immutable formula is already known to us, through the words "Love each other."

Excerpted from Chapter 10 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

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