God consoles the humble and gives strength to the afflicted when they ask. His might covers the Earth and in every place, with each tear shed, He places a consoling remedy. Abnegation and resignation are a continuous prayer and contain profound teaching. Human wisdom resides in these two words. Would that all suffering Spirits could understand this truth, instead of clamouring against their pain and moral sufferings which it behoves them to partake. So, take these words for your motto: devotion and abnegation - and you will be strong as they resume all the obligations which charity and humility impose. The sentiment of fulfilled duty will give repose and resignation to your Spirit. Then your heart will beat more steadily, your soul become more tranquil and your body be protected against despondency. This is why the body feels that much weaker according to how profoundly the Spirit is stricken.
- The Spirit of Truth, Havre, 1863.
Excerpted from Chapter 6 - Christ the Consoler - of "The Gospel According to Spiritism" - Allan Kardec
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