Wednesday, May 29, 2013


"But the wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all pure: then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." (James, 3:17)
Every published page has a soul and the believer is required to investigate its nature. The sincere examination will immediately indicate to which sphere it pertains, whether in the destructive activity of the world, or in the center of construction toward the spiritual life.

Initially, the reader, a friend of the truth and righteousness, shall analyze the lines in order to judge the purity of its context, understanding that if its expressions were born of a superior fountain, he or she will encounter the unequivocal signs of peace, of moderation, of fraternal benevolence, of loving comprehension, and finally of the good fruits.

On the other hand, if the pages reflects a poisonous human partiality, such a message cannot proceed from the noblest spheres of life. Even though, it originates from a supposedly discarnate of an elevated category, if the page does not bring forth harmony and fraternal construction, it is merely a reflection born of inferior conditions.

Scrutinize, therefore, the pages of your contact with the thoughts of others, on a daily basis, and be friendly with those that desire your elevation. You do not need to choose the ones that appear more brilliant, but rather, those that effect an improvement within you.

Excerpted from Chapter 14 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

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