Tuesday, October 1, 2013


The worker of the last hour has a right to his wages; nevertheless, it is important that his lateness be not due to either laziness or reluctance, but to the fact that, although willing to work, he had been patiently waiting for someone to employ him. He has a right to his wages because, being hardworking, he has waited anxiously since dawn for someone who would finally offer work. It was only that he lacked opportunity.

However, if he had refused to work at any time during the day, or if he had said: "Wait a while, rest is very agreeable to me; when the last hour sounds then I will think about the day's wages; what necessity have I to be bothered by an employer I have no regard for and don't even know? The later the better!" Then this person, my friends, would not have received the wages of work but of laziness.

What would you say then of someone who, instead of remaining inactive, utilized those hours destined for the day's labour to practice culpable acts; who blasphemed against God, spilt the blood of his brothers, launched perturbation amongst families, ruined those who trusted in him by abusing their innocence; who, in short, satiated himself with all the ignominies of human nature? What would become of him? Is it enough for him to say at the last hour: "Master, I used my time badly. Take me on till the end of the day so l do some work, although it will be very little of what was my share, and give me the wages of a good worker"? No! No! The Lord will say to him: "I have no work for you at present. You squandered away your time; you forgot what you had learnt; you can no longer work in my vineyard. Consequently, you must recommence your learning, and when you are better disposed come again to me and I will throw open my vast fields to you, where you may work at any time."

Good Spiritists, my dearly beloved, you are all workers of the last hour. The one who says: “I began work at dawn and will only finish at nightfall," is very conceited. All of you came when you were called, some a little earlier, some a little later, to this incarnation whose shackles you now carry. For how many centuries has the Lord called you to His vineyard without you wishing to enter it? Here is the moment to pocket your wages, so put to good use the time that is left and never forget that your existence, however long it may appear to be, is nothing but a fleeting moment in the immensity of time which forms eternity.

- Constantine, a Protecting Spirit.
Bordeaux, 1863.

Excerpted from Chapter XX - Workers of the last hour - of "The Gospel according to Spiritism" - Allan Kardec.

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