"When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon: Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." (Luke, 5:4)
This verse leads us to meditate over the companions in the battle who feel as though they had been abandoned in the human experience.
A disquieting sensation of loneliness breaks their heart.
They cry from nostalgia, from pain, renewing their own bitterness.
They believe that destiny reserved the cup of infinite bitterness for them.
They recall with remorse the days of early infancy and youth, of the hopes destroyed in the conflicts of the world.
Intimately, they experience each minute the vague confusion of the reminiscences that increase their feeling of emptiness.
However, all mortals experience those bitter hours.
If someone has not as yet lived them at a particular place on the path, let him wait his turn, because generally, each Spirit leaves the flesh when the cold signs of winter multiply around him.
So, when your moment of difficulty arises, be convinced that it is to come to your soul the days of service in "deep waters", the time to search for true values, without the incentives of certain illusions from the earthly experience. If you feel that you are alone, that you are abandoned, remember that beyond the grave, there are companions who will assist you and wait for you lovingly.
The Father never leaves His children neglected; therefore, if you find yourself, at present, without domestic ties, without true friends in the transitory landscape of the Planet, it is because Jesus Christ has sent you into the deep waters of the experience in order to test your conquests in supreme lessons.
Excerpted from Chapter 21 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)
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