Tuesday, June 11, 2013


"And the fire will test the quality of each man's work." - Paul (I Corinthians, 3:13)
In modern mechanized industry they make reference to the use of trials in order to prove the resistance of its product, and upon mulling over the fact, let us be reminded that in the Gospel these trials were equally reported at least twenty centuries ago with regard to spiritual attainments.

In writing to the Corinthians, Paul perceives the human laborers constructing upon one single foundation, that of Jesus Christ; each individual, thereby, preparing his own realization in conformity with evolved resources.

Each student, however, shall complete the task of his choice, fully convinced that the era of strife will be acknowledged in each and every one's eyes, so that a just trial will ascertain his merits.

The evolvement of the world, in its material aspect, can supply the idea of the importance of the achievements of such great nature. The Earth is replete of fortune, positions, values and intelligence that cannot withstand the trials. As soon as the purifying movements come close, they precipitously descend the steps to misery, to ruin, and to decadence. In the service of Jesus Christ, it is also justified that the student awaits the moment of verification of his own personal possibilities. Character, love, faith, patience, and hope, represent achievements for an eternal life, attained by the student with the saintly assistance of the Master. However, all disciples should rely on the required experiences that, at the opportune moment, shall ascertain their spiritual qualities.

Excerpted from Chapter 18 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)

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