"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable; if anything is excellent or praiseworthly, think about such things." - Paul (Philippians, 4:8)
All of the accomplishments of mankind constitute the result of thoughts on the part of human beings. Evil and righteousness, the ugly and the beautiful lived, prior to anything, in the mental thought of he who produced them, in the incessant movement of life.
The Gospel projects a generous route so that the mind of man may be renewed on the path to the superior spirituality, proclaiming the necessity of such a transformation towards higher spheres. It will not be by acquiring a higher intellectual level in Philosophy that the disciple will initiate his efforts toward achievements of this nature. To renovate thoughts is not as simple as it may appear at first glance. It requires a great deal of renunciation and profound control of one's inner self. Those qualities are not easy for one to achieve without hard work and heartfelt sacrifice. It is for this reason that many workers modify verbal expressions, judging that they have reformed their thoughts. However, at the moment of recapitulation, due to the repetition of the circumstances, the redeeming experiences, once again, encounter analogous disturbances because the obstacles and the shadows persist in the mind, as occult phantoms.
To think is to create. The reality if this creation may not come to the surface at once, in the field of transitory effects, but the object formulated by the mental forces live in the inner world, requiring special attention in the attempt at continuation or extinction.
The message from Paul to the Philippians is of a sublime content.
The disciples that were able to comprehend the profound essence in an effort to seek whatever things are true, honest, just, and pure, cultivating them each day, shall have discovered the divine equation.
Excerpted from Chapter 15 of "Our Daily Bread" - Chico Xavier (by the Spirit Emmanuel)
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